Friday, February 1, 2008

Letter sent to The Attorney General

Letter sent to attorney general

I went into medicine to help patients, not just focus on the finances of medicine. There seems to be a Healthcare DICTATORSHIP initiated by the Managed Care markets. There is an abuse of power with regards to managing patients, and problems with fee fixing below realistic measures. The fees are fixed in the HMO's favor. When an insurance company pays on a medical claim, the payment is considered a lost because their profits shrink. When a provider receives payment on a claim, more often than not, it is also considered a lost. Instead of being paid for services rendered, providers are paid for services "allowed." The vast difference between the HMO loses and the Doctors’ loses is that the HMO hold the reigns. Patients are being managed without choices. Providers are being forced into fixed contracts that are monopolized, either take it or leave it. This has become a huge problem. PLEASE HELP ADDRESS THESE ISSUES AND RECTIFY A REMEDY.

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